DLM Indigenous trees nurseries.
There are 40 indigenous trees nurseries in villages where Dzomo la Mupo is operating.
2020 record of all samplings in all nurseries is 20 000 samplings of indigenous trees.These indigenous trees ranges from medicinal indigenous trees seedlings, wild fruits trees seedlings,water keeper trees of rivers and wetlands, trees suitable for fire wood and shades
2020 record of all samplings in all nurseries is 20 000 samplings of indigenous trees.These indigenous trees ranges from medicinal indigenous trees seedlings, wild fruits trees seedlings,water keeper trees of rivers and wetlands, trees suitable for fire wood and shades.
Dzomo la Mupo as already recorded the botanical names of all the trees, with label of function of each tree.
Dzomo la Mupo is doing awreness on indigenous forests and indigenous trees restoration. In this time of COVID 19, Dzomo la Mupo created an awarness slogan:
19 indigenous trees seedlings to be planted to combat Covid 19.
If one person plant 19 indigenous trees anywhere, this will clean the air to breath.
Indigenous trees seedlings in Dzomo la Mupo Nurseries.
” The community members also raised concerns about gabbage which communitystill dump in rivers , however the Dzomo la Mupo tried to clean the rivers in their areas and planted indigenous tree seedlings”
360 trees were planted along the Mudzinga wetlands.
360 trees planted along Mutshundudi river and Duthuni wetlands
225 trees were planted at Tshidzivhe , along Tshirovha river
Involving youths and children in schools for the transfer of cultural biodiversity knowledge.
Mapping the Ecological calender with Vhutanda and Tshilungwi communities.
Tshilunngwi is the village near Sacred Lake Fundudzi and Thathe sacred forest. When at Tshilungwi there is a visible view point of the Lake Fundudzi amongst the mountains.
Table 1: The Calender of food found in the indigenous forests by grade 7 children
This calender was called grocery found from the indigenous frorests as the children named their group.
There is a video which the children do presentation of the food found in the forest and lots of notes
about these food.The notes from dialogues showed how every food are found in different seasons
including the ecological sources of the food. E.g if it is wild fruits they mentioned when the reesblosom ,
srt to bear fruits and when fruits are ready to be picked.This discussion lead to challnges of why lots of
food are no longer found, such as veld fire, climate chang where rain is no longer coming on expected
seaons. It was indicated that the wild animals such as baboons are harvesting fruits before the fruits get ripe as there is shortage of food for wild animls in the forests